Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today is the day before Thanksgiving and I am feeling thankful for so many things. I have my wonderful husband and two absolutely great kids: one is in Spain right now and I am missing him too much. The other is here being her wild and funny self. I am also thankful for my friends and extended family. They have no idea how much they mean to me. And I am also so very thankful for all of the people that I have met since I have opened my fabric shop. 
Who would have known how people could touch my life and other lives just by opening a business. This last week we collected a barrel full of food for the Second Harvest Food Bank. People were very generous and everything collected will go to good use. That is something that I have learned about quilters: they are generous beyond measure. Just think what type of a world we would have if everyone quilted!
I hope that you are spending this Thankful Holiday with friends and family. Or, as some of you have told me, you really just wanted a little time to yourself to create and enjoy some peace and quiet. I just hope you can reflect upon and thank those who have made your life worth living...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The weekend cometh, thank god! It's been so hot here in Santa Cruz that I wonder what is going on. But it has been hotter other places so I am grateful for the fog and afternoon breezes!
I've just released a new pattern which is titled MOMA SAID, based on a comment that my sister made when she looked at the quilt. She said that our mom always told us not to wear prints and stripes together, and that is just what is in the quilt. I thought she was nuts at the time, but later I looked at the quilt again and, you know what, she was right! Heidi was right and therefore the name for this new pattern. So what do you think! It's all done with batiks and stripes...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Encouraged Blogging

I've wanted to get into this "blogging" thing for a while and yesterday, Michelle of encouraged me to just jump in and do it. So here I am! Let's see how it goes. 
I love to write and this may be the way for me to get it all out, instead of keeping it inside. 
I'm using this blog as a connection to my wonderful little fabric shop: Round Robin Fabrics in Santa Cruz California. I refer to my shop as my third child as some days it needs just as much attention. I do love sewing, Quilting, and experimenting with fabric. I'd love to use this spot as a means to keep those of you who are interested, in what is going on in the shop and in my life. I hope you will join me for the journey!
Thanks. And keep stitchin'.