Sunday, September 19, 2010

Been a Long Time

Wow, it has been a long time since I've posted. Back in June we still had a kid in the house, and life was a bit different. Now with both of our kids out on their own, we are adjusting to a different life-style!

What is nice is that it gives me more time to make art or craft or whatever it is at the moment. I've been working on several art quilts, along with some quilts with my own patterns. I will post when they are done, or when I get around to doing the photography. That really seems to be the problem some days.

I did finally finish the Double Wedding Ring quilt. The first time I've done such a traditional pattern. And the first time I hand-pieced a quilt top, well, at least 95% of it is hand pieced. I did machine piece the border as I felt it needed some stability at that point. And even though the tradition is to hand-quilt, sorry, I sent it out to my friend, Mike, the golfing, surfing, quilter! I LOVE his work. He is just such a fabulous quilter, and a really great person on top of it all. If you ever want him to quilt something for you, let me know and I'll send his info out to you.

The wedding for which the Wedding Ring quilt was made was also a great experience. A beautiful day on the Monterey Bay, at one of our lighthouses, with the sea mist hanging over us all and mother nature all around us. The reception was fabulous, danced way too much for this old body, but had so much fun with my husband, kids, and their friends!

So, in between watching the SF Giants games, hand quilting some art pieces, and creating in the studio and doing actual work for money, life is good. Actually life is Great! The paralegal work I do is just enough to keep my right brain engaged so that my left brain can breathe. Or is it vice-versa? Whichever, both sides of the old brain are engaged and chugging on. Now back to quilting my latest piece.

Peace to all.