Time flies like arrows, fruit flies like bananas, as the saying goes! Time has flown.
This last week was one of the longest in my life. On Monday we moved my parents into assisted living. This was a long time in coming, planning, cajoling, pleading, and then finally just putting the foot down and saying "it is time". But moving parents from their home to an apartment is an experience like no other. Paring down. Searching for the right place. Filling all the requirements. Packing. Picking. Packing some more. And then the physical moving. But we got it done.
Followed moving day with a seminar on asset protection, given by a local radio talking head. I had such high expectations. I guess I just needed some guidance from someone as to how to protect my parents, and then maybe I'd learn a bit to protect myself. What I found out is do not ever go to these things!!!! Never. It was merely a sales pitch for his firm. I shoulda known better! Actually I did, deep down, but I think I was too tired to listen.
Then daily visits to the "old folks" home, putting things away and making sure they were being taken care of. That all seemed to work and. luckily, continues to work. It really pays to do your homework!
Then, on Thursday, arriving home I was told that my best friend, my sister for life, was in the hospital with a brain aneurysm. What! How could this happen? Fear, terror for her, and a mad dash to the hospital many miles away. And this continues to go on and on.
I don't know what the final outcome will be but I have HOPE. She is strong, brave, stubborn, and strong-willed. Not much gets her down. She will make it through this. But the slow, daily progress, or lack of progress...
Going through this experience brings home the fact that we never know what will become of us. We are not in charge. Some things just happen.
She will survive, after all she is my sole-sister. The thirty some odd years that we've been friends is not for naught. It has been to build the foundation to keep it going. After all, we still have that time to look forward to, the time that she gave me in a gift, that showed us, in much later life, sipping martini's, together, and laughing. Yes, we still haven't done that yet. I have to get her use to martini's first!
Peace on in the world of ever changing outcomes!