Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving of Thanks

It is almost here, that day of self-indulgence, of being with as much of the family as you can gather, to eat, drink and be merry. I'm hosting the family again, and I'm looking forward to the drinking and being merry. This year I've asked those who want to help with the meal to bring whatever they want. I did not need to know. I did not care. And boy has this caused a some confusion.

I will make the turkey, dressing, potato dishes, cranberry sauce. That's what I like. And if we have 5 pies to go with this, who could be upset. Not a balanced meal? Who cares. No greens! Get enough of that the rest of the time.

My friend, Thom Akins, quilter and beader extrodinaire, told me that at their Thanksgiving meals all they have is turkey, cranberries, and pie. I love that. He said who cares about the rest, that's all that they like so they indulge! Life is too short.

So we shall see what walks in the door tomorrow! I did buy (I can't believe it but I did) a pumpkin pie for my wonderful husband because he was stressing that maybe no one would bring one. I told him we could have it for breakfast on Friday!

Here's to being with those who you love and who love you back. There are so many who don't have this luxury.

And for those of you who are into the indulgence of shopping: enjoy your Friday. I'll be with my kids and husband, feet up, good book and some sewing by my side. Really, I have enough. They have enough. None of us is wanting for anything. And, in my own little way, I'm trying to go back to the days when we got one gift under the tree. And we were happy!

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy.



Jan said...

Wonderful post Robin! My sweet potato pie is in the oven and the shallots are prepped for the green beans.

I agree about the shopping. I chatted with a woman in Modesto over pattern books at Joann's who was planning her shopping for Friday at 6 a.m. Flannel on sale for under $2/yd. She said she could make 10 robes for $60 for Christmas.

I don't need anything enough to partake in that madness--last year on the Saturday after T-Day the clerks were exhausted from selling a store-full of fleece at a ridiculous price.

Enough already!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog Robin! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...good for you for leaving it open to whatever people want to bring. I agree turkey, cranberry and PIE are a good meal!