Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'm Back!!!

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I've posted anything...

Life didn't get in the way, it just happened. Lost a parent. Changes with the kids. Life imitating art. You name it, and it probably didn't happen, it just felt like it.

I'm still quailing up a storm. I have been doing a series, well two wall pieces so far, but the rest will come. I'm calling these my "Art Shields" and I love how they are coming out. I'll post pix later this week or early next week. Quite out of the box for me, but I love them.

I've also been piecing tops and finishing quilts that I've made in the past. What is amazing is that I still like the tops that I'm quilting, even though I pieced them years ago. I've been having a ball making many, many quilts out of my scraps. But I do look into my very large closet in my sewing studio, with the hundreds and hundreds of yards of fabric, and wonder when I'll start using that.

Not much else happening. I still am loving my life as a semi-retired. I've gone back to my Paralegal services, which keeps my mind sharp and give me some traveling. I think it is very important to be using both sides of my brain. I don't want to lose it!!!!

Here's to me starting to post again. I must be feeling good!


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